In Praise of Soils – So Wing Po

Rhizome Suspension

Wire, rhizomes
300 x 560 x 500 cm



So Wing Po is an artist whose work is based on the wisdom of Chinese medicine. Born into a family of Chinese herbalists, she grew up surrounded by the ingredients and smells of Chinese medicine since childhood. Herbal medicines, which are made from plants that grow by gaining nutrients from the earth, are symbolic mediators between the celestial body and the human body. Here, various roots, such as turmeric, ginger, and donggui, which are ingredients of Chinese herbal medicine, appear everywhere in the space. As you slowly walk through the space, bask in the presence and inhale the scent of the soil and the objects produced from it. In this work that uses the entire space, feel yourself in the midst of the cycle in which everything is created from the soil and will one day return to it.


1985年生まれ、香港在住。2007年に米国ワシントン大学セントルイス校で美術学士号を取得し、2012年に香港中文大学で修士号を取得。第14回上海ビエンナーレ(上海、2023年)、「Hyundai Blue Prize Art+Tech 2023: Metamorphic Ecosphere」(北京、2023年)に参加。彼女の作品は香港のTai Kwun Contemporary、X Museum、カトマンズ・トリエンナーレ、UCCA北京、パラサイトなどでも展示されている。また、2018年にはアーティストブック『From Space to Space: An Illustrated Guide to an Infinite Something』を出版。


生于1985年,现生活工作于香港。2007年美国华盛顿大学圣路易斯取得艺术学士,并于2012年香港中文大学取得艺术文学硕士学位。她参展第十四届上海双年展(上海,2023)、《Hyundai Blue Prize Art+Tech 2023: 剧变生态》(北京,2023)。她的作品还曾在香港大馆当代美术馆、X美术馆、加德满都三年展、UCCA北京、Para Site等展出。另外,在2018年苏咏宝出版了艺术家书籍《微物万状》。

So Wing Po

Born in 1985, she lives and works in Hong Kong. In 2007 she received her BFA from Washington University in St. Louis, USA, and in 2012 she received her MA from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She participated in the 14th Shanghai Biennale (Shanghai, 2023) and Hyundai Blue Prize Art+Tech 2023: Metamorphic Ecosphere (Beijing, 2023). Her works have also been exhibited at Hong Kong’s Tai Kwun Contemporary, X Museum, Kathmandu Triennial, UCCA Beijing, Para Site, and others. So also published an artist book in 2018, titled “From Space to Space: An Illustrated Guide to an Infinite Something”.