In Praise of Soils – Sugisaki Haruna

Eternal Whispers in the Weaver’s Dance

Canvas, Earth pigments (Yunnan, Zhengzhou, Italy), coal, black iron oxide pigment, clam powder, mica, gelatin
250 x 145 cm
7 pieces



When you think of paints used for painting, watercolors, oil paints, and crayons probably come to mind. These are premixed with pigments and glue to make them easy to use. In the long history of humanity, various pigments have been discovered and produced. Once upon a time, pigments were only natural, such as soil and sumi ink. Sugisaki Haruna is an artist who mainly uses these natural pigments. She digs out the soil, crumbles it, and mixes it with glue to make paints. It is a time-consuming process, but in this way, she reminds us of the way we used to be when we were living with the blessings of nature. Sugisaki has spent long periods in the deep forests of Japan and India, collecting soil, transforming it into paint, and painting the spirit of the land on fabrics, rocks, and houses. These paintings overlap the spirituality of the people who were born on this planet and weave their days together with ours today.


1994年生まれ。現在大磯在住。2017年東京造形大学絵画科卒業。 個展に「里山を見守る者たち」横浜市歴史博物館(横浜、2022年)「山の踊り」西会津国際芸術村(西会津、2019年)など。 また、Forest Art Festival in Ladakh(ラダック、インド、2023年)、原始感覚美術祭(木崎湖、長野、2022年)、Wall art Festival ふくしま in 猪苗代(猪苗代、福島、2021年)、はじまりの美術館(福島県猪苗代町)、ツォモリリ文庫(東京)などで作品を発表。


生于1994年,现生活工作于大矶。2017年毕业于东京造型大学绘画系。个展包括” 照顾乡村的人”, 横滨历史博物馆(横滨, 2022) “山舞”, 西会津国际艺术村 (西会津, 2019) 。她参展拉达克的森林艺术节(拉达克, 2023) 、原始感官艺术节(日本长野县木崎湖, 2022), 猪苗代墙壁艺术节(福岛县猪苗代, 2021) 等。她的作品还曾在起源美术馆(福岛县猪苗代)、TSOMORIRI文庫(東京)等展出。

Sugisaki Haruna

Born in 1994, currently lives and works in Oiso. Graduated from the Painting Department of Tokyo Zokei University in 2017. Solo exhibitions include “People Who Take Care of the Countryside”, Yokohama Museum of History (Yokohama, 2022), “Mountain Dance”, Nishi Aizu International Art Village (Nishi Aizu, 2019). She participated in the Forest Art Festival in Ladakh (Ladakh, 2023), Primitive Sensory Art Festival (Lake Kizaki, Nagano, 2022), Inawashiro Wall Art Festival (Inawashiro, Fukushima, 2021), etc. Her works have also been exhibited at the Museum of Origins (Inawashiro, Fukushima Prefecture), TSOMORIRI Bunko (Tokyo), and others.