Concrete, pigments, fishing net
150 x 50 x 3 cm
カッチャ・シェンカーは、しばしば土や鉱物などの自然素材を使って表現する芸術家です。この作品は、セメントを使ってドレスを作り、それをシェンカー自身が着てパフォーマンスをするというものです。セメントは石灰石や粘土を粉末にしたもので、モルタルやコンクリートの材料になるものです。さて、この服を来た彼女は快適そうでしょうか? 動きやすそうでしょうか? ここでシェンカーは、着られる服を作ることを目的としているのではなく、鉱物との対話、自然との対話を通して、私たちの身体と、それをとりまく環境について考察しているのです。
Soil can be used to make paints, houses, ceramics, and glass. Soil has been shown to have a number of uses, with the potential to become something more.
Katja Schenker is an artist who often uses natural materials, such as soil and minerals, to express herself. In this piece, she uses cement to create a dress, which Schenker herself then wears in a performance. Cement is powdered limestone or clay, which is used to make mortar and concrete. So, does she look comfortable in this dress? Does she seem to move easily? Schenker's intention here is not to make wearable clothes but to consider our bodies and the surrounding environment through a dialogue with minerals and with nature.
生于1968年,现生活工作于苏黎世。在苏黎世大学和法国社会科学高等学院学习比较文学、艺术史和哲学。她曾三次获得瑞士艺术奖(Swiss Art Award)、瑞士行为艺术奖(Swiss Performance Art Award),并于 2021 年获得圣加仑文化基金会的 "认可奖"(Recognition Prize)。她的作品曾在苏黎世美术馆(2022)、Les Tanneries、Centre d'art contemporain(2022)、巴塞尔兰美术馆(2019)、乌镇国际当代艺术展(2019)、科钦·穆吉里斯双年展(2015)等地展出。
Katja Schenker
Born in 1968 in St. Gallen, Switzerland, now lives and works in Zurich. Katja Schenker studied comparative literature, art history and philosophy at the University of Zurich and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. She has received among others the Swiss Art Award three times, as well as the Swiss Performance Art Award and in 2021 the St. Gallen Cultural Foundation’s ‘Recognition Prize’. She has exhibited her works at Kunsthaus Zürich (2022), Les Tanneries, Centre d’art contemporain (2022), Kunsthaus Baselland (2019), Wuzhen International Contemporary Art Exhibiton (2019), Kochi Muziris Biennale (2015) and others. Her recent performances include ones at UP-ON in Chengdu and Ming Contemporary Art Museum (2023).